On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 02:49:17PM +0200, Wolfgang Schweer wrote: > On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 12:25:49PM +0000, Pioda Giorgio wrote: > > Apropos cups, > > > > Any idea howto to distribute ppd from server instead from printer? > > Setting up the printer on tjener doesn't work? I guess I don't get the > problem correctly. > Hi,
Well, what I see is that on old wheezy clients after a BrowsePoll i get the printers queues exactly like on the server. On Jessie clients after cups-browser work (and automatic BrowsePoll) I get the queues that looks differently. Both BrowsePoll are getting the queues from my jessie-tjener in productions since july 2015. I suspect that older cups-client gets ppd from tjener and that the newer Jessie cups-clients get the queues from the tjener BUT the ppd directly from the printer, just because of the new default ppd distribution policy of cups server. IIRC I read some time ago, somewhere, about this policy change in cups/ppd distribution. Maybe I'm totally wrong; but the different looking queues are there. Regards Giorgio -- Giorgio Pioda - Sysadmin SPSE-Tenero Cell +41 79 629 20 63 Tel +41 58 468 62 48 Fax +41 58 468 61 98