On Wed, May 03, 2023 at 10:31:14AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Tue, 02 May 2023, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> > I think there is a caveat (whose severity I am unsure about): In order
> > to rely on this (and on DEP 17), we will likely have versioned
> > Pre-Depends on dpkg. Can we reasonably rule out the case where and old
> > dpkg is running, unpacking a fixed dpkg, configuring the fixed dpkg and
> > then unpacking an affected package still running the unfixed dpkg
> > process?
APT instructs dpkg to --unpack and to --configure in different calls,
you can't mix and match those in the same call and apt never does the
(combining) --install (not that it would really matter here).
Also, dpkg is essential and as such has to work unpacked aka unpacking
a fixed dpkg means that this fixed dpkg will (later) configure itself.

Now, given dpkg is essential, it also means it gets the essential
treatment from APT (by default) which means it will try to unpack it as
soon as possible while trying to keep the time it remains unconfigured
at a minimum. Give it a try, you usually see essential packages being
interacted with first and in their own calls if you look close enough.
That isn't an accident, the idea is that some random 'optional' package
failing to install in some way should not leave you in a situation where
essentials are in a state of limbo.

If you increase the complexity of (pre-)requirements through APT will
end up being forced to hand multiple packages in one go. Just pull up
the last time you upgraded libc6: You will see a bunch of -dev packages
and MultiArch siblings being unpacked alongside libc6 and libc-bin. You
will only see those two being configured right after through. The
dependencies will it is… so we might have to be a bit careful about the
dependencies dpkg carries if such a route is taken.

That said, there is always the 'stretch' horror story of APT installing
all of KDE before touching dpkg because of the install-info transition…
Although that was avoided before the release by removing from dpkg the
Breaks leading us into this dark alley… (just to be sure: APT wasn't
wrong, the dependencies weren't – but the idea to manually upgrade dpkg
first to avoid some pitfalls was suggested which turned out to be wrong).

Also, I wonder if we run into Pre-Depends loops and similar nasties
given that the essential set is somewhat likely to pre-depend on
things which use(d) to be in /lib which would in turn Pre-Depend on

(I haven't tried and memory is sketchy about those finer more
 complicated matters, but dpkg certainly can produce working orders
 for loops by inspecting which maintainer scripts exist or not, so
 upgrades involving those might or might not work. All bets are off
 which version of dpkg would be dealing with those through)

> I don't know APT well enough to answer that question but from my point of
> view it's perfectly acceptable to document in the release notes that you
> need to upgrade dpkg first.

Those never work in practice through. Nobody logs in on their buildd
chroots and upgrades them "properly", we all just hope for the best.

Even on systems we care more about people are regularity caught red
handed by bothering support with questions whose answers are spelled
out in detail in the release notes. Case in point: "Changed security
archive layout" last time or "Non-free firmware moved to its own
component in the archive" this time around…

And those are easy to diagnose and fix. 'You "might" have some "random"
files not present on disk. So your system might not even boot or spawns
interdimensional portals. You better reinstall…' is not the type of
thing you wanna here from support.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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