Dear dpkg maintainers,

im trying to contribute some text to the bookworm release-notes about
usrmerge --- no-one's favourite topic i know --  I want to make sure users
(like me) understand the potential issues when upgrading.
I am aware that you have some concerns about the process of changing a
system to the nee layout: i am trying to understand exactly what these are
(other than the one about dpkg -S which i think i do understand)

I think what i am asking for is a lay persons explanation of the list here

The thing im not understanding is from that page is:
- what is the thing that could go wrong when convering a non-merged system?
- how do i know if that thing exists on system?

If easier to comment on the
merge request, the link is here

For avoidance of doubt - this isnt about criticising or justifying anyone's
decision: just trying to set out the facts for users (without causing
excessive alarm).

cheers for any help!

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