El 8/8/24 a las 13:09, Guillem Jover escribió:
Hi! Hi:
Hmm, I can still not reproduce it with dpkg, while I can with apt > and 
aptitude. Me, with apt, aptitude and dpkg.
Ah, thanks for the Linux console hint, I had not seen that behavior > before.
I do, that's why I was reporting, that's the behavior that makes me, not only in the text consoles, but also, in the Konsole, that's why this behavior.

I, if I run the mc (Midnight Comander) nothing happens, I open the mc in root, I also do apt-get, as aptitude, as dpkg and it does not fail, but the behavior that makes me is, when I want to do a CTRL+C, there, the aptitude does not close even at the drop of a hat.

That's why I commented this failure that I detected.
> I'm sorry to insist, but can you show exactly the sequence of > actions
that you do, because I still cannot reproduce this at all > with only dpkg. Here is my sequence with both dpkg and apt: But... Do you have the unstable? Because I'm under Sid/Unstable.

So far so good, I have 4250 packages, plus 44 of Libreoffice.org and other Debian packages (AutoFirma de Spain, the local area printer I have, the FNMT configurator and Teamviewer).
> > [On a normal terminal on the /root, do something like:] # apt >
download pci.ids > > [Ctrl+Alt+F2] Debian ... tty2 login: [Login as root into Linux > console 2] # dpkg -i pci.ids_*_all.deb # echo "all ok" [Ctrl+C > works, everything ok.]
The console closes, no matter if I do it in tty1 to tty6, it closes the same.

[Ctrl+Alt+F3] Debian ... tty3 login: [Login as root into Linux > console 3] # apt reinstall ./pci.ids_*_all.deb [Session gets >
terminated, no further commands can be introduced, a new login is > required.]
Ditto, closes it.

> Thanks, Guillem

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Santiago José López Borrazás. Admin sjlopezb.es.

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