Your message dated Sat, 20 Mar 2021 20:43:14 +0100
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: Bug#966701: Driverless printing in buster via ipp-usb
has caused the Debian Bug report #966701,
regarding Driverless printing in bullseye via ipp-usb
to be marked as done.

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Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Package: release-notes
Severity: wishlist

On Sb, 01 aug 20, 18:10:22, Brian Potkin wrote:
> On behalf of the Printing Team:
> ========================================================================
> The Release Notes for Debian 10 briefly described the driverless              
> printing situation implemented via CUPS and cups-filters. The changes         
> applied to modern printers connected by ethernet or wireless.                 
> The release of Debian 11 sees the inclusion of ipp-usb into the stable        
> archive. ipp-usb is recommended by cups-daemon and utilises the               
> vendor-neutral IPP-over-USB protocol that is supported by many modern         
> printers. ipp-usb allows a USB device to be seen and treated as a             
> network device. The outcome is that driverless printing is extended to        
> include USB connected printers. The specifics are outlined at                 
> The systemd service file included in ipp-usb starts the ipp-usb daemon        
> when a printer is plugged in, making a USB connected printer available        
> for printing to, either by being auto-setup by cups-browsed or being          
> manually installed with a local driverless print queue. The use of            
> vendor printer drivers, free and non-free, becomes unnecessary.
> ========================================================================

Let's turn this into a bug so it's not missed.

Kind regards,

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On 20-03-2021 15:17, Justin B Rye wrote:
> Brian Potkin wrote:
> [...]
>>> +    Both printing with <literal>CUPS</literal> and scanning with
>>> +    <literal>SANE</literal> are increasingly likely to be possible
>>> +    without the need for any (often non-free) backend driver specific
>> "backend" has different meaning in CUPS and SANE; I'd omit it. It
>> is also a possible tautology.
>>> +    to the model of the hardware, especially in the case of devices
>>>      marketed in the past five years or so.
> [...]
>>> +  <section id="CUPS and driverless printinging">
>>                                      ^
>>                                      printing
> Presumably a cut'n'pasteo.  Thanks, revised patch attached.



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