refcard 10.1 is marked for autoremoval from testing on 2019-01-09 It (build-)depends on packages with these RC bugs: 892348: xmlroff: Please use 'pkg-config' to find FreeType 2
refcard is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch Sun, 30 Dec 2018 20:58:48 -0800
- refcard is marked for autoremoval from te... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- Re: refcard is marked for autore... Helge Kreutzmann
- Re: refcard is marked for au... W. Martin Borgert
- Re: refcard is marked fo... Holger Wansing
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- refcard is marked for autoremoval fr... Debian testing autoremoval watch