Thus spake Colin Walters ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> I noticed the other day that recent versions of RedHat use something
> called "Kudzu" (sp?) to do this.  When I took out the network card, it
> warned me that some hardware was missing, and offered to change some
> things to compensate.

> Has anyone has looked into porting this to Debian?

Currently, in Debian it is being used by sndconfig. It was written
specifically for Redhat though and does some things (like editing
/etc/conf.modules, linking devices in /dev/) which are probably not
desirable in Debian. The detection part can probably be used, though.

Mandrake, too, includes a hardware detection libarary (libdetect). 
Some time ago, Dan Helfman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Cc'ed him), was busy
packaging it. Dan, have you had any luck yet adapting it to Debian?

When a hardware detection library is available, I think I'm going to
rewrite sndconfig specifically for Debian instead of editing the Redhat
package. Maybe a more general program, which can detect and configure 
various kinds of hardware, should be created though.

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw                  | Si l'on sait exactement ce   |
|--------------------------------| que l'on va faire, a quoi    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | bon le faire?                |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |               Pablo Picasso  |

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