On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 09:22:41PM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote: > Great, sorry for the confusion, however you could have fixed this RC bug > way before the first bug horizon, you haven't done such a good job by > taking so long ... I don't want to blame you but RC bugs (and particularly > when they are trivial to fix) should be fixed ASAP. If you can't fix > those bugs yourself, then you need to ask for help wherever needed > (debian-qa, debian-devel, ...).
Like most volunteers, my efforts are made on a time-available basis. For the past few weeks, my time has been very limited. I missed the announcement on debian-devel-announce that rrdtool was to be removed, and I was not notified personally. For such a simple fix, this would have been a prime target for an NMU, especially to keep the package in potato. I certainly would not have objected. -- - mdz