Taupter wrote:
> I was poking update-alternatives, but didn't find a way to point my
> default window manager to /usr/local/bin/gnome-session.
> Yes I did read the man 8 update-alternatives, but it was a bit confusing
> to me (as I think it is a bit confusing to anyone but the man writer aka
> Ian Jackson), since it was not sufficiently explanatory (at least to me.
> Shame on me...).
> Could anyone explain to me the right way to make it work like I want, in
> the update-alternatives way?

update-alternatives --config x-window-manager

This will put the alternative in manual mode and pointing to the window
manager you have chosen when replying questions prompted by the script.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 
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