Hi Raphael,

> - information about the NMU policy that the maintainer has adopted
>   (timeframe before a NMU is allowed, do i need an authorization to do a
>   nmu ?, ...)

easy to add. Jason would be the person to do this (add a field to the db).
The web interface can easily be changed to update/view this info.

> - the list of packages he's maintaining (yes some maintainer forget
>   that they're maintaining some packages) with up-to-date statistics for
>   each package (number of important/normal/wishlist bugs,
>   standards-version that it does follow, last upload)

I actually have some code to do this, but until our bug system is ldapified
or at least have a non-textual backend, it will be difficult to do. Ben has
a bts ldap setup, but i understand it is not official and not necessarily
maintained all the time.

> - a link to the personnal bug page

the problem with this is that many maintainers have packages registered
under different forms of their email address, so this is actually more
difficult to do. You will probably need to do something with the pgp/gpg sig
on the .dsc files. again, this is something i've looked at in the past, but
at that time i was asked to hold off until the bug system has been overhauled.

> - any other information that may be suitable for such a page like
>   the latest news that must be read by Debian developers (think
>   about debian-devel-announce)

Wouldn't this just be a link to the mail archive for that mailing list?

Debian Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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