Nils Jeppe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> And taking people off the list is automatic. Fix it, enter the IP in their
> form, it gets re-cehcekd and taken off the list. Works like a charm.

My recent experience with ORBS backs this up.

> If people configured their servers correctly, they'd never get on the
> list. ;-) Also, ORBS allows for I think 3-5 days warning in advance, which
> is sufficient to fix a server.

postmaster at a host I co-admin got mail from ORBS a few days before
Christmas of 1999.  We were given four weeks to fix our open relay,
plenty of logs and a reasonable amount of help from the ORBS website
on how to fix it.  The only difficult part was finding how to upgrade
our mailserver!

Having been on the nasty end of the ORBS stick, I still give it a

\ _/__ ``I need every braincell blazing
 \X  /   to fight my invisible enemies!''

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