>>On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 11:02:04AM -0500, Mark
>>Mealman >wrote:
>> I really don't like unstable either, but I've
pretty >>much abandoned 
>>the stable tree as too behind the times back when
>>slink was nearing 

>Here's a serious question for you: which parts are
too >old on slink
>to perform the functions you need? Seriously?

>I only just upgraded two of my slink boxes to potato
>on the weekend,
>and it turns out that I didn't even need to. A friend
>of mine still
>has a hamm box; before that it was a rexx box. Works
>fine, no need to

May a third party add something?
In my case there are TWO things that make hamm/slink
somewhat out of date.  I would like the 2.2 kernel for
a firewall system so as to use ipchains.  I also think
I need the glibc2.1 lib for some third party apps
([EMAIL PROTECTED] for one).  Otherwise, everything does work


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