> > There is currently no default -- it varies on a per-package basis.

On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 09:21:29AM -0400, Clint Adams wrote:
> I note that
> ### to run vtund as a server on port 5000, uncomment the following line:
> #--server-- 5000
> isn't uncommented by default.

Sure, but in the context of daemon processes that's not the one default:
that's just one of many many.

Are you saying you don't ever want any packages to change their
default?  [Sounds rather draconian to me.]

Are you saying that there's some kind of debian default which you're
trying to preserve?  [If so, what is it? ... note that if this default
is "reasonable behavior" then the definition of that default is almost
always what we're discussing.]

Or are you saying something else?


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