From: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Hysterical Onanistic ITP's (was: ITP: Country Codes) Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 23:14:02 -0400
> At the risk of starting another flamewar or being called some kind of > cultural chauvinist, this isn't the first program I've seen from .jp that > has big flaws like this. Many Japanese programmers seem to be utterly > unaware of many of the Unix idioms, reinventing the wheel over and over > again, and usually with ugly output formats (to spread blame a little more > evenly, dpkg -l is just as awful in this regard and I really hope our > Japanese brethren aren't using it as an example). Country Codes is not a program developed by a Japanese programmer. I used "jp" just as an example. I hope someone won't call you "some kind of cultural chauvinist" :). > I really wish we could get this psychotic ITP obsessiveness under control. Perhaps it should be under some kind of control, but I don't know that's a good idea or not. Currently we have only a rough, or natural consensus. There might be a strong objection from others too, so I'll withdraw this ITP for now, not because it's useless but I have much more work (not so much as you though) to do for Debian other than flamewar. Finally, from upstream README: | I am lazy to hold all the ISO 3166 in my mind, or to grep it from a file, | it's too much work :) -- Keita Maehara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>