On Sep 19, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> Tomasz Wegrzanowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    I suggest compressing source code by bzip2
>    Many CD resellers add something to 2nd source cd
>    and it will make A LOT of free place for them (100-150 MB!!!)
>    Bzip2 is no problem because it is possibly available on every
>    Debian system and I dont want religious answers here.
> We've discussed this here before.  Have you read through the
> debian-devel archives on this subject already?

There is actually an open policy proposal on this (which I proposed).
I'll have to sit down and hack on dpkg-dev to implement it, which may
overcome some of the objections.

Anyway, look in debian-policy's archives from the last 3-4 months.

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