Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> I did not yet check/test your work but I'm sure that it's great !
> I wonder if you think that debconf is good/mature enough to be used
> for potato.

Well I've been using it for about a month for just a couple of packages. I
will porbably convert my packages to use it once I upload it to unstable. As
for everyone else, that's your decision to make.. I can't claim it's mature

> If yes, how many packages are interactive in their
> postinst ?

10%? Just a guess. I did a fresh debian install and picked one of the larger
profiles, and only about 21 packages out of that profile did any prompting.
(Results in /usr/share/debconf/packages-that-prompt.)

> If debconf is working well and if we can push it into base
> then I'm willing to open QA tasks that would ask to correct all 
> interactive packages to use debconf ... Imagine how great it could be if
> we could say that potato can install itself if you want !
> Later we may even modify the policy to forbid interactivity in postinst
> unless debconf is used ...

Both things would be great, but let's let it prove itself a little bit
first. We don't want to rush things, and we want to make sure it really does
meet everyone's needs.

The timing of this release of debconf isn't the best, I know, but I was only
able to start work on it when VA hired me. :-)

see shy jo

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