So, while DSA is an unpatented algorithm, the implementation in BIND
    is not free software any more than the implementation of RSA in BIND
    is free software.

You are right.  Free software must not have a license that requires
people to obey any country's export controls.

    It seems to me that the reason ISC didn't release a version of BIND
    that works with OpenSSL instead of RSA DNSSafe and Cylink DSS is
    partly because of US export controls: releasing a non-free version
    with crypto which (as a matter of license) cannot be diverted to

If this is indeed their reason, can we find a implementation of DSA
that they could use instead?  Does GPG have one?

Otherwise, it seems that at least some of the work on BIND needs to be
done outside the US from now on.  It is important to make a version
available, in some suitable country, which implements only the
non-patented algorithms, and all using free software.

Do we already have people to do it, or do we need to recruit?
I would be glad if the recruiting gets done without my help,
I just want to make sure it does get done.

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