On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 01:19:24AM -0400, Hugo Haas wrote:
> > Didn't somebody ITP aterm?  What's the status on that?
> Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did package aterm (after sending an ITP). 
> He
> asked me to upload his package since he is not a maintainer yet.
> However, there were a couple of problems so I did not upload the first
> version. A new version should be soon available.

Make sure to /**/ the #define LINUX_KEYS eh?  I prefer to use xterm-debian
or rxvt as TERM, and that doesn't work well if you have LINUX_KEYS
defined.  If you have TERM=linux the fonts are wrong!

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             Debian GNU/Linux developer
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"All we have to fear is fear itself!"
"And almost but not quite free software..."
"That too."
"And binary only kernel drivers."
"Okay, yeah, that too."

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