Hi Aaron,

I would be interested in seeing your design.  It may clear up some
concerns as to why you are picking your language (which seems to have
generated quite a discussion).  More importantly, you may receive
suggestions as to ways to improve the design.  If you are lucky, you may
even have a few volunteers to help with the coding or specific parts.  I
guess I'm just a big fan of getting the design right since the resulting
code of a bad design is much more difficult to fix than bad code with a
good design.

Bravo for volunteering to code this yourself, I hope to do the same one


+---                                                                     ---+
| Brandon Mitchell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://bmitch.dhis.org/  ICQ 30631197 |
| Throughout history, UNIX systems have regularly been broken into, beaten, |
| brutalized, corrupted, commandeered, compromised, and illegally fscked.   |
|                                    -- UNIX System Administration Handbook |

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