The OF of my LongTrail works perfectly but i don't know how to set it up for autobooting. Booting from floppy is not (yet) possible (for initrd) because the kernel cannot read the floppy. So net or cd booting are the only choices.
Currently i wait for manoj's update for his kernel-package with my changes. After
that, compiling will be easier. But then i need kernel-diffs for apus, pmac, prep
and also mbx for the 2.2.x tree.
Linus' tree is fine on pmac, from what I hear. The only patches pmac would need is stuff for the iMac and Blue G3, hopefully OHCI will start to work in the in-kernel USB driver soon, then I will have just the Blue G3 stuff to deal with.
Joel Klecker (aka Espy) Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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