On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Raul Miller wrote: > thomas lakofski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I also am disappointed with the attitude of some people towards making > > these things easier to do. Is it some kind of techno-snobbery, maybe? > > In the context of initial installation, I think it's laziness -- a > refusal to examine problems. > > That said, the boot-floppies people seem to be making progress (perhaps > not as fast as everyone would like, but better than what lots of other > people have been doing).
OK, since it seems that this kind of thing will probably only happen in a commercial context, maybe it would make sense to arrange commercial sponsorship of Debian in a bigger way. Debian seems to have many attributes which would make it more suitable for large corporate environments than other dists -- it's possible that if this could be pointed out to the right potential installation sites development funding would be forthcoming -- and with that, the means to pay developers to do stuff that they might not be motivated to do out of the goodness of their hearts. (I guess compare with Red Hat - Intel/Netscape/VCs) I guess I'll ask at my current place of work -- big swiss bank where they use Solaris exclusively and have expressed interest in Linux because of the benefit it would have for the bottom line. -tl ...... please forgive my abrupt ending hre - but my conection is xtrememleyyhiclmelyey BAD hiccuppy etc must sign off - EF D8 33 68 B3 E3 E9 D2 C1 3E 51 22 8A AA 7B 98