On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 01:22:32AM -0500, Stevie Strickland wrote:
> > that's the good news. the bad news is that it was all done in turbo
> > pascal. however, the algorithms were clean and readable, so easily
> > ported to C.
> > 
> > if you're interested, i'll dig up the files (i still have them on tape
> > somewhere...i think. dusty old code from the early 90s :-) and mail them
> > to you. i'll GPL them first, so you can do what you want with them.
> Cool!  I'd always be glad to look at them (especially since I need a much
> better parser)... anyway, eventually I want to make a librolldice so that
> anyone can actually make the front end... and your code could definitely
> help, because I'm no good at parsers, and that would be one of the most
> important part of the library...  :p
I'm not certain why this should be a lib actually, even if you build a
bigger program.  But hey, if you wanna build a lib, build a lib, we won't
complain much..  =>

> As well, my roommate and I were going to also make a character sheet
> program (hence the reason for making the rolldice stuff a library), so we
> could just enter the data, and either save it to a file or go ahead and
> print it out...  my roommate has been working on GTK+ for the occasion <g>

Why do I get the idea I should bring up once again my hope to gather a
sizable group of people to build a game system which is released under
free license and available to anyone with a web browser and the like?  =>

"I'm working in the dark here."  "Yeah well rumor has it you do your best
work in the dark."
                               -- Earth: Final Conflict

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