First of all a quick apology if it turns out the following message isn't being posted to the correct forum.
A few weeks ago I switched from RH to debian, and was slightly dismayed at the installation process, which I found to be less than flexible. After wrestling with it for some six-seven hours I finally got it up and running properly. There were two steps which caused most of the problems: Installing lilo, and getting X installed. I will briefly give an outline of my HD structure: /dev/hda1 DOS /dev/hda2 linux part. used for backup /dev/hdb1 swap /dev/hdb2 / /dev/hdb3 /usr Now, RH had always placed the boot loader on hda. Debian OTOH insisted on placing it on hdb2. Now, if I had had floppies available (which I didn't) things would have been easier (I ended up having to take a one hour bike ride to get some floppies - who said computing doesn't keep you fit :) What would have been even easier if there had been an option to edit lilo.conf there and then in some manner. I would also like to say I think the default lilo.conf is a mess, to put it mildly. It is badly structured, makes the process of adding other images less than obvious and I was thankful I had my old lilo.conf hanging about. The second problem was installing X (an issue which I get the impression is already being addressed). Basically the X configuration process died on me all 4 times I tried it during install, leaving .dkpg-new files everywhere, so the only option was to install only the base system, and then manually install and configure X later on. In case this comes across as a wholly negative impression I maybe should mention the things I did like: The preselected setups, allowing for a quick start (well, OK, so they wouldn't have worked in my case :); the wealth of packages on the main CD (but no xv on any of the CDs, even the non-free); and the hints about what the next step is, or what alternative steps exist was also very useful. While I'm at it, I might as well comment on another aspects of Debian that IMHO could be improved: The practice of naming packages which are only installer scripts (netscape, star-office) is confusing (OK, so the 23k size gave it away) and I have seen quite a few people query about them. Just adding the postfix '-installer' or somesuch would save a lot of confusion. Also, how is one supposed to say 'dpkg' without tying ones tongue up in a knot? ;) Anyway, apologies for the long rambling nature of this mail, and keep up the good work. Cheers Dave