> > And by now Sun would no doubt be shipping a binary only KDE that forbid
> > you to redistribute it and contained fixes you couldnt get back off them
> Ehm, the world hasn't gone to hell because not everything is GPL.  Take
> for instance companies using FreeBSD, such as Whistle and Best Internet
> Communications.  Both have tweaked fbsd throughly, and "kicked back" quite
> a few fixes and their other changes, without being legally obligated to
> release all of their source.

And lots of people haven't kicked stuff back. Why doesn't *BSD run on an
SGI Indy - its because the BSD license didnt force all the neat stuff
to be contributed back. And there are thousands of other examples like it.

I've worked for big coporations, I was involved in a project using netbsd
that died because the BSD advertising clauses for NetBSD were to obnoxious
to be workable. Other than that I can assure you the project would have
shipped, would have networking fixes that kicked the crap out of original
netbsd and not one line of the code would ever have been contributed back

> Your "the world outside of GPL is evil" attitude is quite bogus.

I don't know where you got that from. But its not my attitude. 

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