Martin Konold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Will Debian remove Motif linked XEmacs from their ftp
> server?

I don't believe that Debian *has* a Motif-linked XEmacs on their ftp
server, but if they do, then all it should take to get it removed is to
file a bug report.  That's what happened to KDE.  Violations of policy
(and law) are considered bugs.

Some individual may have had a grudge against KDE which motivated them
to file the bug report against KDE, but that doesn't mean that Debian is
part of some anti-KDE conspiracy.

> Will Debian remove LyX from their ftp server? According to
> several Debian developers Xforms is not a DFSG compatible
> library.

LyX is in contrib.  I don't have it installed, but if it is licensed
under the GPL, then you're probably right, and you're free to file a bug
report against it.  If you don't want to do so, then I'll check it out
and file the bug report myself if needed.

If you (or I) file a bug report against LyX and it *doesn't* get removed
(or recompiled with a more appropriate library if possible), *then*
you'll have a reason to complain that Debian is playing favorites.  As
it is, Debian is run by volunteers, who don't always have time to track
down every nit in the system, which is why the bug reporting system

I'm not a free software fanatic (I use Debian because I like the
packaging system and menu system), but I honestly do *not* understand
why the KDE team objects to clarifying the KDE license to explicitly
allow linking with Qt.  Care to elaborate?
Chris Waters   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I have a truly elegant proof of the
or   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | above, but it is too long to fit into     | this .signature file.

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