On Fri, 9 Oct 1998, Joseph Carter wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 10, 1998 at 12:35:31PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > non-free license.  Neither I, nor anyone sensible, has any argument with
> > TT's license...it's their software, they can do what they like with it.)
> That doesn't mean everyone else ise sensible.  I've seen many people DEMAND
> Troll Tech release Qt under the GPL.  I wanted to take a large cluebat to
> their heads for the reasons you cite above.

i agree. people who bash Troll over Qt are missing the point.  Worse,
they are clouding the issue.

IMO, Troll Tech are beyond reproach. they wrote a good library, and
they allow people to use it for free in certain circumstances. while i
would be happy to see it under an Open Source-compatible license, nobody
has any right to demand that they do anything....that's like demanding
caviar from a good neighbour when they give you a sandwich.

the only right you have here is to choose to accept their generosity or
choose not to accept it.

I personally choose not to accept it (the license isn't compatible with
what i want to do with free software...also, I don't like C++ :), but i'm
grateful for the offer all the same.


craig sanders

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