On Wed, 07 Oct, 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Hi,
> tonight I was thinking about implementing @authors.debian.org which
> would enable a way for us to get in touch with the upstream authors of
> some piece of software without the need of looking into the copyright
> file or digging in the source if the maintainer forgot to add the
> authors email into that file.

And while we are doing it how about implementing @m86k.porter.debian.org or
@arm.builder.debian.org for the person who has recomplied the package on
different machines (m86k, powerpc, alpha, arm, etc).

> An easy way to implement this would be to simply add a line to the
> source section of debian/control of each package like

Likewise with builder, or not? Would you need m86k-builder and arm-builder and
powerpc-builder or would it be done differently?

> This would also need an adjustment for dpkg-source.

linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste

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