[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Woodcock)  wrote on 10.06.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> * /etc/init.d/rc is modified to call a program that determines the order
>   the scripts should be run in, on the fly. I figure this won't be much
>   of a speed hit. Slrn can thread thousands of messages per second across
>   a localhost news connection on my machine, sorting 30 scripts shouldn't
>   take long either. Actually, we don't even need to thread, we can probably
>   get away with just checking on script exit (any script exit) whether
>   there's something else available to run or not - if there's nothing else
>   available but there's still stuff that wants to be run, we can just run
>   it anyway.

man tsort

This does what you need. It even gives you a file format:

before1 after1
before2 after2

MfG Kai

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