On Tue, 2005-01-25 at 11:04 +0100, Frank Küster wrote:
> David Schmitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > On Tuesday 25 January 2005 04:51, Sam Watkins wrote:
> >> Dosage / mainline has a feature to download all supported comics, so it
> >> is quite possible for someone (perhaps a child) to stumble across this
> >> one by accident, as I did.  Probably nearly everyone who tries dosage
> >> will want to see the range of comics available.
> >
> > While I am aware that this is another quality, I just want to point out, 
> > that 
> > fortunes has mitigated this risk by splitting off the offensive fortunes 
> > into 
> > a sperate package.
> Good idea. dosage went even a step further: It doesn't include any of
> those comics at all.


> So where's the problem?

The problem is things/websites/etc that "many" parents don't think
are appropriate for their children.

"They" don't want this inappropriate material dumped into their
children's laps right along side the things that the parents *do*
consider appropriate.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

No matter how hard women work, train, excersize (and some of the
woment in the Olympics were *muscular*), lose body fat, or get
Title IX money, (the population of athletic) women will *never*
be faster, stronger or better at sports(*) than (the population
of athletic) men. (*Excluding "small sports" like darts.) It's
just how men and women have evolved. Deal with it.

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