On Thu, Apr 30, 1998 at 04:35:24PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> [1] The KDE team produces a lot of them like kppp, kisdn, kheise etc.
>     I don't believe that these is the answer as long as Qt is non-free
>     but it's a way in the right direction.

My personal hesitation with Qt has been overcome finally knowing that Troll
Tech wouldn't pull an Open Group stunt on us, but you are right in that it
would be nicer if the license were OpenSource.

Would it be possible for a sort of dual license to be considered OpenSource? 
Something that allowed free creation of OpenSource software (commercial or
not) but proprietary software required commercial licensing for it?  This
sounds SO CLOSE to what the license does now, the only real difference is
focusing on whether or not the developer can make a profit doing what they
do (RedHat for example whose development has always been GPL even though
they make $$ doing it..)

The GPL even has that restriction, though it's more limited to RMS' vision
of the Perfect License and not all software that is Free.  I think it's
possible at least the Qt people might actually agree, considering.  And they
would suddenly have a LOT more Qt users out there (which would mean more Qt
developers) if things like KDE didn't have to go in to contrib.

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