A couple of thing I noticed in debian that can be improved (for an average user)
1. Add lines in \etc\fstab automatically or with a menu to mount other partitions. 2. Make sure that the color monitors are supported automatically from the installation screen itself. 3. Ease of configuration by which I mean that the number of questions asked to a user should be minimal. Advanced users can always tweak the files themselves. 4. Unix man pages are written for people who know Unix. Give a smaller manual that will help people to get started for most of the basic tasks.( I am not talking about creating or deleting directories. I am talking about compiling programs in C or C++. Ideally, Each package should have a two page document that starts the user off on various commands and what it does. For eg: cc could come with cc <pgmname> - to compile a C program. Most of the folks I know have Linux as their second OS for learning and delevoping, not for financial accounting) I think Debian has got a lot of visibility right now. It has come from a OS for hackers to a Linux distribution to be considered seriously. Developers who think that is right direction need to change their point of view too. We don't have to compromise the technical superiority, but we sure can make it pretty. Appericate your comments, Vaidhy -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]