Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Sergei Golovan <>

* Package name    : tclthread3
  Version         : 3.0.1
  Upstream Contact: Tcl Core Team
* URL             :
* License         : (Tcl - BSD like)
  Programming Lang: (C, Tcl)
  Description     : Tcl extension implementing script level access to Tcl 
threading capabilities (version 3 for Tcl 9)

The thread extension creates threads that contain Tcl interpreters,
and it lets you send scripts to those threads for evaluation. It also
enables you to share data between threads in a safe, protected
fashion.  Additionally, it provides script-level access to basic
thread synchronization primitives, like mutexes and condition

This is a new major version of the tclthread already present in Debian.
It works for the new major version of Tcl (version 9). In the meantime
I'll keep both tclthread and tclthread3 (they use Tcl internals,
so tclthread works only with Tcl 8, and tclthread3 works only with
Tcl 9). Eventually, when Tcl 8 usage will fade away, I'll remove
the older tclthread from Debian.

I'm planning to maintain the package myself under the umbrella of
Debian Tcl/Tk Team.

Sergei Golovan

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