Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Guillaume Boutry <>

* Package name    : magnum-capi-helm
  Version         : 1.2.0
  Upstream Contact: Dale Smith <>
* URL             :
* License         : Apache2
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Helm driven Cluster API driver for Magnum

OpenStack Magnum driver using Helm to create k8s clusters with Cluster API.
The driver uses capi-helm-charts to create the k8s resources needed to
provision a k8s cluster using Cluster API, including various useful add-ons
like a CNI and a monitoring stack.

Note, the above Helm charts are intended to be a way to share a reference method
to create K8s on OpenStack. The charts are not expected or intended to be 
to Magnum. The hope is they can also be used by ArgoCD, Flux or Azimuth to 
k8s clusters on OpenStack.

Similar package:

The project magnum-capi-helm has been accepted upstream and is now under
the governance of the Magnum project. It is a driver, meaning a
specialized unit to deploy Kubernets clusters in an OpenStack cluster.
The main reason I would like to see this project packaged is the possibility
to override the source of helm charts to define the deployed clusters, thus 
a greater flexibility in the flavor of deployments for kubernetes.
This package would be an optional dependency for Magnum.

I would like to package and maintain this driver. As this would be my
first Debian package, I would be in need of a sponsor once this is

I am not sure as to whether this should be maintained under the
OpenStack team as they might not want to maintain 2 similar drivers for

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