Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Thomas Goirand <>

* Package name    : golang-github-yalue-merged-fs
  Version         : 1.3.0
  Upstream Contact: Nathan Otterness
* URL             :
* License         : Expat
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : compose Multiple Go Filesystems

 The [release of version 1.16]( of the Go
 programming language included a standard interface for read-only filesystems,
 defined in Go's `io/fs` standard library package.  With this change came some
 other standard-library changes, including the fact that `archive/zip` now
 provides a "filesystem" interface for zip files, or the ability of `net/http`
 to serve files from any filesystem providing the `io/fs` interface.  In
 conjunction, this means utilities like the HTTP server can now directly serve
 content from zip files, without the data needing to be extracted manually.
 While that's already pretty cool, wouldn't it be nice if you could, for
 example, transparently serve data from multiple zip files as if they were a
 single directory?  This library provides the means to do so: it implements the
 `io/fs.FS` interface using two underlying filesystems.  The underlying
 filesystems can even include additional `MergedFS` instances, enabling
 combining an arbitrary number of filesystems into a single `io/fs.FS`.
 This repository provides a roughly similar function to 
 but it offers one key distinction: correctly listing contents of merged
 directories present in both FS's. This adds quite a bit of complexity. However,
 laher/mergefs will be more performant for filesystems not requiring directory-
 listing capabilities.

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