Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Steffen Moeller <>

* Package name    : qtpyvcp
  Version         : 5.0.2
* URL             :
* License         : GPL-2
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Framework for LinuxCNC virtual control panels

 QtPyVCP is a Qt and Python based framework for building virtual control
 panels (VCPs) for the LinuxCNC machine controller. A set of readily
 usable VCPs for lathes and mills up to 5 axes are available and in
 routine use through the globe.
 The QtPyVCP projects strives towards a no-code, drag-and-drop system
 for making simple VCPs, as well as a straightforward, flexible and
 extensible framework to aid in building complex VCPs.

 QtPyVCP provides graphical infrastructures for lathes and mills.
 It is optically very appealing. The package LinuxCNC, which is
 used underneath, is already shipping with Debian and would miss
 out without this addition.

 The package will be uploaded to the electronics-team. Had though
 about the science-team, but the direct contact for QtPyVCP is the
 electronics which drives and controls the motors, so it seems like
 the better fit.
 No sponsoring required.

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