On Mon, 27 Jan 2025 at 20:35:59 +0100, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> El 27/1/25 a les 20:21, Eric Dorland ha escrit:
> > Apologies, this is my fault. automake-1.17 landed in unstable today
> > and I neglected to "Provides: automake-1.16" on it. I'll fix that with
> > an upload tonight.

If it Provides: automake-1.16 but doesn't contain /usr/bin/automake-1.16,
isn't that going to defeat the purpose of the dependency in libltdl-dev,
which was added to resolve #905841, #906394, #906395, #906423, #906501,
#906507 by making sure that it could find the then-current automake

It would probably be useful if the maintainers of the Autotools family
(autoconf, automake and libtool) could coordinate to make sure none of
those three packages are breaking the others when they're updated.


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