Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Pete Ryland <>

* Package name    : haskell-hie-bios
  Version         : 0.13.1
  Upstream Contact: Matthew Pickering <>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD
  Programming Lang: Haskell
  Description     : GHC API session setup tool

hie-bios is the tool used by ghcide and the Haskell Language Server to set up
the GHC flags required to compile a source file.  It does this by searching
for Stack or Cabal build tool configurations or an explicit custom
configuration.  If none of the above are found, it sets up the GHC REPL with
no specific options.

This package is a dependency of haskell-language-server.

It will be maintained as part of the Debian Haskell Group.  I will need a
sponsor for the upload please.

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