On 11/01/2025 12:49, Fabio Fantoni wrote:
Write on Google "Debian create new package" and first result: https:// wiki.debian.org/HowToPackageForDebian

It points to various parts but mainly the more probable start point seems https://wiki.debian.org/Packaging/Intro

To point to git and gbp seems more useful https://wiki.debian.org/ PackagingWithGit Here wrote also about DEP14, tell writing first package out of git and after import, in fact it is not simple and fast to create the initial package starting immediately from git and neither to use immediately gbp and also DEP14, to create immediately on salsa etc... I remember that the last packages created new some time ago I had to do many steps, workarounds and only after convert the branches to the DEP14 names.

I just went through this learning process, and IMO, first thing to learn is how to "package" (debuild, debhelper, lintian, sbuild, devscripts), then you learn how to "publish" it (dput, gbp, DEP-14).

Packaging/Intro wiki is still an excellent first read if only to get the terminology in use (upstream tarball, source package, dsc, ...).

To quote from PackagingWithGit wiki:
It is easiest to first create the first version of a package, outside of Git.
It's an advanced wiki, not a starting step for newcomers.


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