Le 10 janvier 2025 12:58:57 GMT+01:00, Roland Clobus <rclo...@rclobus.nl> a 
écrit :
>Hello Debian-cd,
>Now that the theme for Trixie is known:
>I've been synchronising the images for live-build.
>And some questions arose:
>* Does the Ceratopsian theme also require a new plymouth screen?
>* I'm missing the '13' or any other version indication in the GRUB screen. 
>Could/Should that be added? The alpha1 image uses a text element to indicate 
>the version. Live-build could do that too, instead of a number in the image.
>* The d-i alpha1 image uses the old GRUB image (but modified to remove the 
>'12'), will that be updated for alphaX?

Hi Roland,

I've started working on the once-installed packaging which is shipped by the 
desktop-base package.

It will include wallpapers, grub and plymouth themes although I don't know yet 
what we'll do for plymouth. The previous theme is kind of specific but there 
are yet older ones that could easily be adapted to the new background.

It's still WIP also because I want to split each theme into its own package 
unlike we've done so far with the monolithic desktop-base. I target end of Jan 
to get something uploaded to unstable unless $life gets in the way.

Happy hacking,

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