Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Jakub Ružička <>

* Package name    : python-json-schema-for-humans
  Version         : 1.0.3
  Upstream Contact: Denis Blanchette <>
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : quickly generate HTML documentation from a JSON schema

Python module and CLI to quickly generate static HTML or Markdown docs from
JSON schema with support for templates, anchor links, and references.

This module is required to build Knot Resolver 6.x docs (already in
experimental as knot-resolver6 but docs are disabled ATM).

I've prepared the package in Salsa:

It's working, but lintian emits lots of privacy-breach errors and
missing-sources warnings due to embedded js libs (all packaged in debian
but at older version) and (google, font awesome) fonts.

I don't know how to address these without changing the original behavior
too much, so I'd like some help with this.

Tests are disabled for now because they reference examples by relative
path which isn't valid for the package. This could be patched but I'd
like to see the lintian cries resolved first.

After these problems are solved, I plan to maintain the package as a
part of python-team.

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