On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 08:10:30PM -0800, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> > fwiw, I'm also not using git-buildpackage and I don't want to. (Step 
> > learning
> > curve, too much magic, hard to debug and I dont see benefits for the 
> > packages
> > I maintain.) I'm also not a beginner. And I love gbp-dch.
> I think git-buildpackage is great, and I am a happy user. However, it
> took me quite a while to figure out what is the optimal way to use it,
> as it has so many options. Can you elaborate what is the specific
> action/workflow you think git-buildpackage you were frustrated with?

sigh. see above.

in addition to the above: gbp is great if it works, if it doesn't I can
start to learn to debug a complex system, while on the contrary, if I use
git and debuild/pbuilder/sbuild manually all the time, I know those tools,
they are rather easy to debug etc.

> I am not enforcing git-buildpackage on everyone. I am accelerating the
> convergence of workflows so that it is easier for maintainers to
> collaborate, so we can have more code reviews, more new maintainers,
> and in the long run perhaps decrease the number of single-maintainer
> packages for packages where the maintainer does not want to be the
> sole maintainer. 

and you seem to think adding another Debian specific complex tool will
attrack new people? Most people^wcontributors out there know git already,
for them a simple git only workflow is *much* more inviting than having
to learn gbp *only* to contribute to Debian. gbp is useless outside
Debian (and derivatives. Yet, thats only a part of the free software world.) 

On Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 09:51:15AM +0100, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> Otto Kekäläinen <o...@debian.org> writes:
> I think this will be more successful if you frame this as good patterns
> to follow for people who wish to opt-in on the premise of adopting this
> workflow.  That framing follows other DEP's.  Now it reads as a mandate
> for everything.  Acknowledging existance of exceptions to the rules
> within the rules may also help to gain acceptance.


...and hopefully last post on this thread from me. I've said everything I
wanted to say.


 ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
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The upcoming clima apocalypse is the big elephant in every room now.

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