wrote: >I just realized that the news report could be more useful if it cites >the information source. Here we go: > >debgpt -Hx ldo:debian-devel/2024/10 -a 'write a news report based on the >provided information. Cover as many topics as possible. You may expand a >little bit on important matter. include links to the report.' --no-render > >BTW, which mailing lists should I cover with those montly reports? >I currently tried on debian-ai, debian-devel, and debian-science.
Please, no further. We don't need hallucinated summaries on our lists. If you want to publish them, publish them somewhere separately IMHO. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky, Tongue-tied & twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...