
> Hello,
> I think mtkbabel is unmaintained.
> Listed maintainer Uwe Hermann 
> (  
> There is a new version since oct-2019 with some improvements.
> I am no maintainer no coder etc. Probably I will never sent paches etc.
> What is the best I could do in such cases.
> Is there some kind of template that I could use when contacting 
> the maintainer directly.
> And would it be appreciated when cc ing teams in this case maybe Debian Perl
> Group?
> Thanks.

It's great that you want to help Debian, but I'm sorry to say your
current bug filing strategy is not (in my opinion as an individual
maintainer) very helpful.

It seems like the bugs you are filing mostly duplicate the information
already in If you are a user of the software in
question, then it's reasonable to file a wishlist bug asking for an
update, or higher severity bugs for specific issues fixed in the new
version. Otherwise you are just adding noise, and probably increasing
the stress level of overworked volunteers.

As a non-developer, there is still plenty you can do in terms of
triaging existing bugs (seeing if they can be duplicated on your
system), and reporting actual (major or minor) problems with the
software you are using.

I hope you will consider this as constructive feedback.


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