On Tuesday, September 3, 2024 11:21:04 PM MST Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> After lintian.debian.org went unmaintained (beginning of 2022) and it
> was clear noone was going to adopt it, I worked on a UDD-backed
> replacement (in July 2022, see
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-qa/2022/07/msg00001.html and
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-qa/2022/07/msg00006.html ). Then I
> raised the question of the future of lintian.debian.org.
> After providing stale data for a long time, which confused many people,
> lintian.debian.org was shutdown in September 2023.
> Pointing it to UDD was discussed (I think I proposed serving the
> lintian.d.o vhost on ullmann.debian.org so that the old URLs would work
> but be backed by UDD). Another option that was mentioned was pointing it
> to a wiki page that explains where to find the data (I wrote
> https://wiki.debian.org/UltimateDebianDatabase/ReplacingLintianDebianOrg
> at some point). But those discussions never reached a conclusion.

Thanks for all the work you have put into this.

> Also, I don't want to sound like I'm telling someone how to contribute
> to Debian, but it looks to me like there are more urgent issues to solve
> around lintian...

I don’t really have a strong opinion as to which software serves these pages, 
but I do think solving this issue is one of the more important things we can 
do for lintian (especially because it is so easy to resolve compared to some 
of the other things that need to be done).

I personally spent a lot of time as an early packager trying to figure out what 
some of the lintian tags meant because internet searches turned up dead links.  
I ended up resorting to grepping through the lintian source code to find the 
answers (efficient once you know how to do it, but it shouldn’t be that hard to 
approach as a new maintainer).  In my work mentoring new maintainers, I find 
that they also run into a lot of confusion that would be easily resolved if 
the links on mentors.debian.net just pointed them in the right direction.

Soren Stoutner

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