
On Mon, 2 Sep 2024, at 19:41, Daniel Gröber wrote:
> Hi Lukas,
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 12:19:20PM +0200, Lukas Märdian wrote:
>> Surveying the wrong set of people will lead to unusable data. Henry Ford
>> summarized this nicely some 100 years ago, when asked about customer input
>> in the development of the Ford Model T automobile: "If I had asked people
>> what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."

> You're continuing to confirm my pre-existing view that netplan infantilizes
> it's users as you're applying the same thinking to the entire Debian
> community here.

I don’t think this language is particularly helpful.

> In my mind Debian is an operating system for experts (perhaps
> aspiring). Treating users like they are going to hurt themselves if we
> listen to them is not acceptable conduct in this community in my opinion.

Debian is an operating system for everyone. For experts. For novices. For 
non-technical users.
In any case, even experts often want to have a break and have things just work 
without having to write kilobytes of config.

>> IMO, the data is already there in all the different (Mini-)DebConf and
>> email discussion over the past couple of year. If people were just happy
>> with /etc/network/interfaces, we wouldn't have this discussion year after
>> year after year..

> The "data" sources you mention are severely biased in one way or
> another. You complain about unusable data above only to suggest even more
> obviously unusable data here. I don't find this very convincing.

Data point: I’m a previous maintainer of ifupdown. I don’t use it anymore and 
don’t think it’s a very good default for Debian these days.

>> I'm afraid all of this will just further delay the decision making for
>> another year/Debian release.

> So what? So far you're the only one complaining about this. What skin do
> you have in the game if we don't move forward on this other than having an
> obviously biased interest in having netplan be a standard?

Please, can we have no conflict of interest accusations? Others might not 
complain loudly because they don’t have energy to argue (like myself).

>> It's really hard for me to take it serious this way. I've researched this
>> topic for well over a year now, discussed it with people involved and
>> tried to bring reasonable options to the table. Explicitly asking for any
>> additional options, so we can refine/merge and find consesns.  It almost
>> feels like you'd be mostly interested in just delaying/blocking progress
>> here.. :-(

> I promise you I'm not intentionally, but I do recognize that it may be a
> side-effect. Likewise I feel like you're just interested in pushing this
> through as quickly as possible.
> Consider that for you time is an ally, being employed to work on this
> (AFAICT?). For the rest of us not so much. Debian is a primarily a
> volunteer project. Please stop pushing for doing things faster.

I don’t think Lukas is rushing things too much. We should have had this 
conversation ages ago. Perhaps I should have started it instead of resigning as 
the maintainer back in the day.


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