Hello Ansgar,

Am Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 09:30:49AM +0100 schrieb Ansgar 🙀:
> Debian 10 "buster" has moved to archive.debian.org in order to free
> space on the main mirror network.  We plan to start removing files for
> non-LTS architectures in about two weeks; the existing Release files
> will then refer to no longer existing files on the main mirror network.
> An exception is the security archive (which already has no non-LTS
> architectures): we will only archive it after LTS support ended.
> For LTS users this does not require any changes.

I'd like to understand the process a little better:

1. First *non*-LTS architectures (mips,ppc,s390,…) have been moved 2024-03
2. LTS for Buster ended recently 2024-06-30 ¹
3. Debian 13 Trixie release is expected in 2025
4. ELTS for Buster is probably until 2029-06 ²

When will *LTS* architectures (x86,arm,…) also be removed?

My guess would be between 2. and either when more free space is needed
anytime in the future, or latest 3.

Thank you for your excellent work and hopefully an answer.

1: https://wiki.debian.org/LTS
2: https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Extended

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