On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 09:04:59 +0100, Simon McVittie wrote:

> 3. a workflow where upstream/latest contains imported tarball snapshots
>    *with* upstream git history merged in, most likely via upstream-vcs-tag
>    (like src:glib2.0)
> I'm surprised the number your statistics give for (3.) is such a small
> proportion: I find this workflow really useful as a way to reconcile
> devref's assertion that pristine upstream tarballs are important
> with the desire to have upstream git history readily available to make
> maintenance easier.

In the Debian Perl Group, our dpt-import-orig wrapper around
gbp-import-orig uses --upstream-vcs-tag, but it guesses the name of
the upstream tag, so we're typically not using upstream-vcs-tag in
gbp.conf. As a result, the numbers from checking all gbp.conf files
are lower than the real use.

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