On Sat, 17 Aug 2024 10:47:36 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

> I have in the past found it confusing how to handle it, but now I find
> it tolerable (and don't recognize the "better to start from scratch"
> judgement), after I figured out (as also hinted at in one of the links
> by gregor) that you need to do the following, in that order:
>  1. unlock branch "upstream" on salsa
>  2. rename branch "upstream" → "upstream/latest" on salsa (or delete it)
>  3. rename branch "upstream" → "upstream/latest" locally
>  4. push local changes to salsa

Then you have an updated repo on salsa and an updated repo on your
machine. The problem is that for everyone else, who has a local clone
of the repo, the next `mr up' or `gbp pull' explodes.


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