On 2024-08-09 13:31:02 +0000 (+0000), Johannes Drexl wrote:
> I tried to install a system with Debian 11 and a preseed file today
> from our internal mirror and found out that the package salt-minion was
> gone. After some research (our mirror snapshots every day) I found out
> that between 2024-06-29 02:00 and 2024-06-30 02:00 the whole salt
> directory was silently dropped from the upstream mirrors. Even
> packages.debian.org does no longer display any information about it.
> I was under the impression that the software stack of a
> stable/oldstable release does not change anymore (safe for security
> updates and suchlike), so I'm pretty flabberghasted by this. More so as
> I cannot find a mention about this on debian-devel, where I would
> assume such decisions would be discussed prior to the actual doing.
> Can somebody please shed some light on this?

A quick bit of digging on https://tracker.debian.org/ indicates the
salt-minion package was not part of Debian 11[*] since it retained
at least one severe bug[**] which was never fixed. The change you
observed seems to probably be related to cleanup of lingering
debian-security content[***]. Hope that helps.

[*] https://bugs.debian.org/1069654
[**] https://bugs.debian.org/1009804
[***] https://bugs.debian.org/1074468
Jeremy Stanley

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