On Thu, 06 Jun 2024 at 12:56:10 +0200, Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues wrote:
> If we imagine a hypothetical switch to LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 for all source
> packages by default, then there will be bugs.

Do you mean: there will be bugs that break the build of certain packages,
which previously built successfully?

Or do you mean: there will be bugs in which a package does not work as
designed at runtime for users of certain locales, and those bugs would
previously have been detected at build-time by showing up as a FTBFS or
non-reproducibility, but are now only detected by users at runtime?

I'm not convinced that either of those is going to be true, and especially
the first one, because at least some (maybe all) of our official buildds
already export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 for builds:

(Search for "Sufficient free space" and read down a few lines further;
and this is not at all specific to Flatpak, that's just an arbitrary
example of a package that I happen to know has a recent buildd log.)

> I like dumping my time into figuring out why my software
> does something different in a very specific environment

That is of course fine, and you're welcome to do that, but the question
is in part about whether the benefit of expecting that every package
maintainer will do this exceeds its cost.


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